3×3 Basketball Tournament

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Entry Fee: Confirm with organizers
Ages: 15+
Mens and Womens categories
4 player limit
Deadline: August 3 @ 6pm

1st: $300.00
2nd: $200.00
3rd: $100.00

Double knock out format
20 minutes or first to 21
Losing team must provide a REF

NHCN Treaty & York Boat Days committee will not be responsible for any injuries, lost, stolen articles incurred during the summer festival.

Any verbal threatening or physical abuse from competing teams, family or friends or such teams to any event officials or towards another team/individual(s) may result in disqualification of that team/individual(s).

This may include competing in any future York Boat Days event for a certain period of time.

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P.O. Box 250

Phone: 204.359.6930

Web: NHCN York Boat Days

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