Events for August 11, 2023 - August 11, 2023

Adult’s Events August 11

Rossville Yard

One male and female event Categories: 18 - 29, 30 - 39, 40 - 49, 50 - 59, 60+ years old 1st: $80 2nd: $70 3rd: $60 Group Event 1 prize: $400

Children’s Events 3 pm August 11

Rossville Yard

Categories: 9 - 10 year olds boys and girls 11 - 12 year olds boys and girls 13 - 14 year olds boys and girls 15 - 17 year olds boys and girls 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10

Fun Event – Dress to impersonate show

Behind the Pavillion Event 1: Dress to impersonate show Children 1st: $100.00 2nd: $75.00 3rd: $50.00 Adult 1st: $200.00 2nd: $150.00 3rd: $100.00

Men’s & Women’s Fastball Tournament

4:00 PM Friday, August 11 10:00 AM Saturday, August 12 9:00 AM Sunday, August 13 Entry Fee: $1,000 Men's & Women's 1st: $10,000 2nd: $5,000 3rd: $3,000

Any verbal threatening or physical abuse from competing teams, family or friends or such teams to any event officials or towards another team/individual(s) may result in disqualification of that team/individual(s).

This may include competing in any future York Boat Days event for a certain period of time.

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P.O. Box 250

Phone: 204.359.6930

Web: NHCN York Boat Days

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